My vision is to create a moral, humanist, naturalistic, connected to nature….’natural way of being’ life.
I want freedom to be me. Freedom to live by my truth. Freedom to express my truth, freedom to change and adapt as my intuition guides me.
What is it to be a free citizen?
There are many things we just accept to be truth….even when they are more harmful to us than good. We play ignorant because it is easier or perhaps we just accept them because other people have accepted them before us.
If the planet was not suffering, if humans were not suffering, if animals and nature were not suffering then we could just carry on our merry way.
BUT… this is not the TRUTH. Thankfully, humans, the planet and nature are super intelligent and resilient and I know that we can create a more harmonious way of being and thriving.
To create a new way of being we have to THINK differently, challenging what does and does not serve us and create a new way!
As a community, society and country I recognise the need for rules to live harmoniously with each other. However some rules have gone too far or they are too outdated in the fact they are only beneficial to some. Rules limit our freedom of thinking which in turn halts the innovation of concepts and ideas that are positive to human development in the 21st Century.

Rethinking routines and schedules and realigning to our natural state.
Journal entry:
Monday morning. 5 km sunrise run, the streets, the promenade the sweeping coastal beaches are quieter. Where did the people go? Is Monday, back-to-work for most people a factor? A 7 day week – organising adults, organising children. The flow of the working week, disrupted by the restful weekend. Or does the restful, living life as you choose Saturday to Sunday become interrupted by the working week?
A 5:2 ratio? Who created that?
Is this ratio a global consensus? I know in Dubai and the UAE the country agrees Sunday to Friday is the time to work. How about other countries?
**Google search**
Henry ford in 1925 introduced the 5 day, 40 hour week. Scaling back from 48 hours as he believed too many hours were bad for his employees productivity at ford motor company.
An 8-hour working day arose from 16th century Britain. There are some countries that differ:
- Israel – Fri and Sat weekend
- Djibouti, Iran, Palestine, Somalia – Fri only day off.
- Nepal – sat only day off.
- Afghanistan – working week is Saturday – wed. So ‘weekend’ falls on Thurs and Fri!
Two major factors contribute to Labor vs Rest days:
- Religion
- World trade – alignment.
Questions and food for thought?

- What is our natural state as humans without these construct of days, times and working schedules?
- What does the human circadian rhythms look like without stimulating technology?
- What is our natural state, does anyone in the Western world know any more? How would our ‘being’ be in winter as opposed to summer?
- Would realigning to our natural state, reduce the mental and physical stress which is currently growing and manifesting in various diagnosis’s?
- Does nature and animals have routines?
Without technology their circadian rhythms are more in tune with nature and their surroundings. Does human routines affect the animals and nature routines?
Food Production – When and why did we stop living off the land?
I would say capitalism and power were the biggest driving influences. If basic necessities are taken care of and made convenient, the more productive we become as workers. To be able to strive ahead as a strong economic country. Providing food for all was once a great innovation but that was then and this is now.
Is convenience really beneficial to us? Have we lost some magic in the knowledge and mastery of being able to plant, grow and harvest our own food? When we create convenience does that in turn minimise our self reliance and therefore our ability to be a free citizen?

Is there an alternative? That develops our skills, reclaims our knowledge and gives us a choice based on our own preferences? You could argue that we do have that choice now, but it is only from a privileged position of time and financial wealth that the choice is readily available. Being self reliant shouldn’t be luxury for small percentage of society.
People and the power of the Government
24/11/21 – Old journal entry but relevant once more as we are coming to the ‘end’ of the third UK lockdown.
The suspense of waiting for man’s televised words, reporting on when I am allowed to return to work and when day to day life changes significantly.
Catapulted back into society. ‘Just switch’, like that. Anxiety bubbles, new routines to be made, a new injection of noise, distraction, chatter.
I am not ok with it. My heart and my being tells me I’m not ok with it.
I see a way of life and a return to ‘normal’ that I resist being a part of. I don’t feel like I fit into that anymore. That is where the anxiety bubbles from. I know I can create a new way of being, a different trajectory but it will take time. And the looming hour is drawing closer and closer. Imminent enough to temporarily paralyse me.
My vision is to create, a moral, humanist, naturalistic, connected to nature….’natural way of being’ life.
I want freedom to be me. Freedom to live by my truth. Freedom to express my truth, freedom to change and adapt as my intuition guides me. But the British, english culture is currently not supportive of this moral code.
Have you heard of the ‘the republican view’? At the heart of it is the idea that what it is to be unfree is to be subject to the arbitrary power of somebody else. And to be subject to the arbitrary power of someone else means to be subject to their power in such a way that they can decide what happens to you without taking your interests into account.
I came across the ‘idea’ whilst studying Mary Wollstonecraft in a Uni module. The ‘idea’ was detailed in relation to women’s lack of rights compared to the male population. Fortunately, the male/female divide has progressed significantly in the UK but on reading what clearly stood out and troubled me was ‘to be subject to the arbitrary power of someone else’….’they can decide what happens to you without taking your interests into account’.
If anyone reading this is self employed or small business owner, and/or in the creative or nightlife industries I am sure you may feel the ‘government’ is that somebody else like I do.
If it resonates…..It’s time to reclaim your power…and recreate a new way of being and doing that puts your interests and your families interests first.
What is it to be a free citizen?
What is it to live in a free state?
Our actions are transactions.
Cause and effect. Our actions are transactions.
When we gain something does somebody else or some other being lose something? A trade off?
Can we consider this in more of our decision-making moving forward?
Whilst googling the digestion of a pigeon in relation to human’s digestion, (a google search sparked by my curiosity out walking and detailed in this earlier blog post)… I discovered that consuming too much salt…the salt humans lay down to melt the icy winter roads now becomes a threat to the pigeon.
Salt poisoning threat to pigeon. Safe roads, non-threat to humans. This is a big trade off. An inhumane transaction.
A win-lose transaction. Human 1. Nature -1.
Ok, this example may seem a little out there but there are a vast number of inhumane transactions….two obvious ones are:
- We cut down trees, for tables, chairs and housing: Creating more human dwellings whilst destroying animals homes and habitats.
- We spray Chemical fertilisers and pesticides on crops and plants to make more food or simply make our gardens look pretty, whilst killing off insects and bugs and polluting the soil. We infuse Mother Earth’s water supply with chemicals, which in turn harms the planet and 70% of Mother Earths life force… WATER.
Can we consider our actions as transactions in our decision-making moving forward?
When we gain something, how can we make sure the planet does not lose out. If we gain the planet gains also….OR, if we gain nature is not affected??

An obsession of rules leads to lack of intelligence.
Dec 2020.
Rules, stupid rules, an obsession of rules leads to lack of intelligence. Our intelligence and intuition is being squashed. 2020 the year of rules and regulations, a subject that riles me up! A day before my 32nd birthday, I go into Sainsbury’s to buy paracetamol for a headache. The self checkout blocked me, awaiting approval. I am double the legal age of buying this 47p box of pills and the sales assistant, looks at me longer than a glance. Her eyes questioning. Have you got ID she asks?
“No I don’t as I work across the road in the tattoo shop so just came to get these. But clearly I am over 16?!!”
She replies, “but we have to ask if you look under 25”
“Ok I understand that but clearly I am over 16?”
She says, “it’s companies rules”. Sainsbury’s rules.
I want to blurt out…. Yes, but where has your common sense gone? Is it hiding behind the rules?
She agrees I look over 16, but still insists on the rules because of ‘challenge 25’.
I think to myself are you really that stupid? Invisible rules, affecting real life interaction and common sense. When did people stop thinking for themselves?
***** Now I just want to add I was polite to this sales assistant, I didn’t blurt out what I was thinking, she was just doing her job but when did the job and the company over rule/over power a person?
BUT…authorities don’t like people that think for themselves. It is a threat!
What rules/regulations ‘red tape’ can you think of that is NOT HELPFUL?! What is the solution?
This blog is about creating a dialogue….I don’t have the answers to everything….but I believe with our own unique talents and skills, the solutions are there to creating a human friendly progressive community/country. We just have to give a platform and a microphone to the voices so their ideas CAN BE BROUGHT TO LIFE.

Rules create perceived ‘good’ and ‘bad’ people.
To be yourself, speaking and living boldly in that truth can lead to becoming more unpopular within society.
At the average ‘common person’ level the result of unpopularity is just being unknown. The rules differ if you are famous, I cannot give first hand evidence on this point… as I’m Not famous, but when the world is watching your every move and judging it, being unpopular leads to hate, gossip and reputations destroyed. Purely based on other people’s own expectation or unique perspective, which may or may not be true to you.
An example of this (leaving your personal opinions aside and only looking at the facts of the situation) is the tragic story of Caroline Flack, having watched the Channel 4 documentary in March 2021, the british media jumped on a story, created their only narrative of ‘good’ or ‘bad’ with horrendous consequences.
Rules are there to guide us a collective, united nation, BUT it is always important to remember that rules are created in the interest of people as a whole. There will always be individuals and specific situations when the best interest falls outside of what is deemed ‘good’. So to form an opinion without knowing the first hand story is senseless judgement, which in this case was detrimental to the individual.
Rules are guidance.
Other people will have a different opinion to you…that doesn’t always mean they are wrong or doing wrong.
Developing empathy towards other humans.
Stay home in tier 4.
Covid-19 case very high in London. Please be careful. Covid-19 cases high in Surrey. Please be careful.
Brain bombardment. Constant reminders at every billboard on the drive out of London back home, as if you could forget.
The messaging punches over and over, round after round. You feel the weight of each punch weakening you, draining you until you stay home in bed, horizontal unable to get out. These punches are not physical but mental and therefore emotional heavyweight.
This is a mental fight to weaken you into submission.
I get the message. My MORAL CODE got it the first time.
Tier barriers are mental not physical. An invisible mental consensus to invisible boundaries. Would ignorance be bliss or at least for the individual? The pandemics future comes down to the reasoning and morals of each individual. The majority of humans are well-intentioned but each individuals intentions might not match the collective intention. ‘For the good of the family’, may be different to the good of the community, country and the world.
Nature has NOT changed at the strike of midnight.
Nature is on its own timeline, of natural laws. For humans, the fate of Cinderella as the clock hands meet at midnight is our experience. A decision changes everything. Welcomed or not.
If you had been in tier 4, whether working or living, the population judged you and was hesitant to your presence. The divide and inequality is growing. It’s not always voiced in words but you can sense it. The sense of a gentle unspoken hum ‘don’t come near me’. Superior and inferior based on your tier.
My point here: How can we adjust moving forward? Yes, individuals will have a differing opinion but…
- Can we practice empathy, develop this ability?
- How can we change the narrative between other human beings to be more supportive and understanding of each other? Be kinder to each other?
- Does the British media and the heightened fear based stories influence our own thinking, to our detrement.. Whether we choose to read papers, watch the news or not, the news travels through people and conversations and across social media.
Human Constructs that benefit people.
Apparently it’s blue Monday – the most depressing day of the year?!
The theory – this time of year when we are cold, broke, riddled with guilt that New year’s resolutions to get fit, drink less alcohol and be a better human being have fallen by the wayside.
Created in 2004 by psychologist Cliff Arnel, after Skytravel asked him to do so. They used the phrase in a press release to promote winter deals using the formula of:
- W = weather
- D = debt
- d = monthly salary
- T = time since Xmas
- Q = time since failing New year’s resolutions
- M = low motivation levels
- Na = the feeling of a need to change.
On the flip side another psychologist Joan Harvey described the concept as completely meaningless even sensational nonsense.
Self liberation – Reject anything that insults your soul or categorises your being.
Does nature, the birds, the trees, the insects and the marine life seem to be affected by blue Monday. Absolutely NOT it is a human idea. A human construct that is separate from nature and our nature.
It has been constructed, therefore as individuals we can deconstruct it.
If ideas are not human – friendly…. we can reject it. By flushing the concept down the toilet!
IDEA: Write out human constructs that don’t sit well for you and are non human-friendly in nature. BURN IT!
Shifting how we value the idea of wealth/ status and success.

Henry David Thoreau book – Walden and Civil Disobedience.
‘We worship not the Grace’s, nor the parcae but fashion’.
(Worship, worshiping, idealising for them)
Material things – fashion, cars, objects, when witnessed by the observer are a powerful non-verbal communicator. We presume wealth. We presume success which depending on the circumstances of the observer (subjective experience) can mean we give authority to the other person. She/he has more, is more than me, has more value and/or power than me.
I am sure you can think of a situation when you have experienced this for yourself, you might not have been aware of it at the time, I have only have recognised it as I have got older.
Ask yourself have you ever made yourself smaller or shrunk yourself in the presence of someone that you don’t know but appears to have more money than you, in the form of material goods?
Think about going into a club….do you act differently to the people on the flashy table?
Parking your ‘average’ car in a central London location, or a wealthy area, when you have an expensive car behind you…do you panic, forget the parallel park and drive off? Or similar scenario?
I have done both. I gave my power away based on a false perception. I played small…based on fiction over factual knowledge.
How would you describe true wealth and value of a person? I believe our perception and standards needs to change, if we are to shift where we place value as a society.
Does placing status and fame on an individual without a clear moral code really help the collective community? How would you change, if as a society we shifted our value and attention to individuals and celebrities that prioritised people and the planet before everything else?
I believe the goal can no longer be material wealth, for the sake of just having more money to buy nice things. That alone does not provide fulfilment, nor is it beneficial to other people and the planet. It a false ideal. A dream we can chase and fall short, either physically, spiritually or mentally.
Don’t get me wrong….. I value money. Money is power, money is freedom, money is the currency most in demand and beneficial to individuals, charities, underprivileged people, animals and nature.
I value money and wealth when it is used to do good. You can have the nice things; the nice cars the nice holidays the nice homes as well as doing good by the planet.
Our lives are domesticated in more senses than we think. If we re-wild ourselves, re-wild the animals and re-wild nature and the planet. Mother Nature and all of nature will thrive again!
Summary points/questions:
- If the planet was not suffering, if humans were not suffering, if animals and nature were not suffering then we could just carry on our merry way. BUT…this is not the TRUTH. Thankfully, humans, the planet and nature are super intelligent and resilient and I know that we can create a more harmonious way of being and thriving.
- To create a new way of being we have to THINK differently.
- Food production – Have we lost the skill and magic of growing our own food in return for convenience? Is there an alternative? One that provides food for all as well as develops our skills, reclaims our knowledge and gives us a choice based on our own preferences?
- What is our natural state as humans without the constructs of days, times and working schedules? Would realigning to our natural state, reduce the mental and physical stress which is currently growing and manifesting in various diagnosis’s?
- People and the power of the government. Have you heard of the ‘the republican view’?
- Our actions are transactions . When we gain something, how can we make sure the planet does not lose out.
- If rules are NOT human – friendly…. we can reject it! Ideas/rules have been constructed, therefore as individuals we can deconstruct it.
- How would you describe true wealth and value of a person? How would you change, if as a society we shifted our value and attention to individuals and celebrities that prioritised people and the planet before everything else?
you said :